Saturday 29 February 2020

Kerala state minority welfare fund notification

Kerala state minority welfare fund notification
2019- 2020 Application is invited Mother Teresa scholarship for minority students

State minority welfare department invites applications for grant of mother Teresa scholarship to students belonging to minority groups who are studying under nursing,  paramedical cours in state Aided institution

Scholarship of Rs. 15000/- for students of Muslim, Christian,  seek, and Buddhist fauna sect of department resident in kerala scholarship for admission to merit seats in Government approved financial Nursing colleges.  Should have scored 45% Mark's  in the qualifying examination.  In the absence of BPL application,  the APL Category with an annual income  of up to RS 8 lack.

Candidates who have started course and are in the first year can apply scholarship are only available ones. Those who received last year's scholarship application do not need to apply this year.  50 % scholarship received for girls. The boys get the scholarship.  Students are selected based on their family income.

Application should have their own name accond with any nationalized bank . www. minority welfare. Kerala. you can apply online through this website. Deadline for receiving the application 28 / 2/20

For more information contact this number
0471 2302 090 , 2300524


1. www.minority welfare. Kerala. Gov. in. Click on the mother Teresa scholarship link

2. Click apply online

3. If you are registered another scholarship , login the candidate with its details

4. After applying online the user ID and password will be logging, upload your photos, sslc certificate etc

5. After applying for the scholarship, click view/print  application and print out of the registration form

6. The registration form must be submitted to the head of student studies along  with the following documents out of print


1. Registration print out with the photo of the applicant

2. Mark list copy of sslc book , +2,VHSE, etc...

3. Copy of allotment memo

4. First page copy of bank passbook in the applicant 's own name

5. Copy of adar card , copy of NPR card

6  copy of nativity cirtificate

7. Income cirtificate from village

8. Copy of community cirtificate or copy of minority cirtificate

9. Copy of ration card


1. Application for filling applications should be checked by the head of instructions

2. Application must be completed and scrutinised and approved by the head of instruction online

3. The income cirtificate should be accompanied by the application

4 .The head of the institution shall ensure the authenticity of all documents

5. The head of the institution shall verify that the bank account related documents are currect

6. Failure to check and approved  that application by the head of the institution within the stipulated time of notification

7. Government Aided institutions should keep their application .These should be made available for inspection by the minority welfare department

8. Application of self- financing educational institutions should be send directly to the directors,  minority welfare department

Address:- Director, minority welfare department,  fourth floor,  vigas bevan, Trivandrom 33


1. Deadline for students to apply online 28/ 2/2020

2. Last date of submission of registration print out and other related documents to the Head institution  28 / 2/ 2020

3. Last date for inspection of fire applications by institutional head is to submit the online assessment 2 / 3/2020.

4. Last date of submitting approval by appointment of head of instructions to directorate of minority welfare 4/3/2020

Thursday 27 February 2020


Chapter 7

1.  Diagramatic representation of standard ECG is given below
a. What does the QRS complex donate
b. Mention the clinical signification


a. Depolarisation of  the ventricles or ventricular contraction
b. Any deviation from the normal shape indicates a possible abnormality or disease ,heart disease defective heart functioning and chance of heart attack

2.Select  the currect statement regarding ECG of the man
a.  p wave  represent auricular repolariszation
b. P wave represent ventricular epolarisation
C. P wave represent ventricular depolarizaion
d. P wave represent auricular depolarization

Ans:- p wave represent auricular  depolarization

3. Observe the diagram and labelled the A,B,Cand D
A- Aorta
B- venacava
C- pulmonary vein
D- chordea tendinae

4. Observe the diagram and label the marked parts A,B and C

A- Aorta
B- semilunar valve
C- left ventricle

5. Find odd one and  write  its functions

Neutrophils, Erithocyte, monocyte,  lymphocytes
Ans:- Erythrocyte
Help in gas transport through blood

6. A person with A -ve blood group  is injured  severely in an accident .His relative with an A +ve  and B -ve blood groups were ready to  blood for him . Infer the consequences if he receives blood from their

Ans:- Agglutination of blood takes place

7.  Label P Q R S and T

8.what does T wave represent

Ans:- Repolarization of ventricle

9. If a person blood group  A is given blood transfusion of blood group by mistake
What will be its effect

Ans:- Agglutation of RBC  takes place in recipient due to  Antigon antibody reaction

10. Mention the two sound of heart

Ans:- Lub Lub

11. Give the causes of heart sound

Lub sound is  heard when the  closure of  bicuspid  and tricuspid  valve takes place

12. Which constituent of his blood is abnormal
Ans:- Eosinophyl

13. What is the normal function of  that constituent

Ans:- immunity

Wednesday 26 February 2020


Chapter 7

1. Study  the relationship and fill in the blanks
Guttation: Hydathodes

Ans:- stomata

2. In a plant cell  the shrinking of proto plasm is called

Ans:- plasmolysis

3.  In plants  organic and mineral nutrients are transported in which direction

Ans:- mutti direction

4. Cell membrane is

Ans:- selectively permeable

5.  Which is responsible for opening and closing of stomata

Ans:- Rise in pH of guard  cells and hydrolysis of starch

6. CAM pants, stomata are

Ans:-  opening during night and closing during day

7. Mutual attraction between water molicules

Ans:- cohesion

8.  Absorption of water by  the solid particles of an absorbent causing it to enormously increase  in volume

Ans:- imbibition

9. Why the tropical  deciduous forests trees  shed their leaves

Ans:- To prevent loss of water

10. Cohesion theory of water movement in plants  was put forth by

Ans:-  F. F blackman

11.  The thin film of water  covering the soil  particle and held strongly attractive forces called

Ans:- Hygroscopic

12. The positive hydrostatic pressure is called

Ans:- Turger pressure

13 . Study the relationship and fill in the blank
Apoplast: cell wall


Ans:-  plasmodesmata

14. What are the component  that determine water potential

Ans:- solute potential and water potential

15. Name the pressure provides the motive force for guttation

Ans:- Root pressure

Tuesday 25 February 2020


Chapter 6

1.  A Thermodynamics  state function  is quantity

Ans:-  whose value independent of path

2. For the process  to occur adiabatic condition, the currect condition is
Ans:- g= 0

3." Out of diamond and graphite .diamond are grater entropy " state whether this statement true or False

Ans:- False, out of diamond and graphite graphite has greater entropy.  Because  of the presence of layers which are loosely
Packed are compare to diamond

4. A reaction  A+ B + C+D+Q formed to have a positive entropy  change .The reaction will be

Ans:- possible at any temperature

5.  The heat absorbed in a constant volume process  is equal to  system's change

Ans:-  entropy × temperature

6. The enthalpies of all elements  in their standard  states are

Ans:-  0

7.  UP of combustion  of methane is X kj/mol
The value of delta H°

Ans:- >delta U°

8. Observe the relationship between the first two term and filling the blank

Isotherm process: delta s = 2.303 log( T2/T1)

Isobaric prosess:

Ans:- delta s = 2.303 cup log T( T2/T1)

9. Choose the correct pair
a. A liquid veparises s= positive
b.  Reversible expansion of an ideal gas s= negative

Ans:- A liquid veparises s= positive

10. Select the odd one of the following sets

a. Temperature, pressure, mass, density
b. Internal energy, work  enthalpy, entropy

a. Mass
b. Work

11. State Hess's law

Ans:- Hess's law state that, the enthalpy of a reaction will be the same whether it take place in one step several steps

12. What is the relation between standard free energy change and cell
Ans:- delta G theta = - nFEcell

13.  Why does the  entropy of a solid  incase
 Open fusion ?

Ans:- upon fusion ,solid changes to liquid and in their later the entropy of the particle is  higher

14. Unit of entropy

Ans:- Jk -1 mol -1

15.  Difind the Gibbs energy

Ans:- Gibbs energy may be difind as the amound of energy available
For doing useful work under condition of constant temperature and pressure

Saturday 22 February 2020


Chapter 6

1. Which of the following is a non conservative force

a. Viscous force
b. Gravitation force
c. Electric force
d. Nuclear force

Ans:-  viscous force

2. The Newton's metr is the unit of

Ans:- work

3.  The work done  by Earth's  gravitational force  in keeping the moon in its circular orbit  is an

Ans:- zero

4.  What is the unit of energy

Ans:- kWh

5. A bullet of mass m is  fried with a velocity v into a block  of wood of mass M initially at rest The velocity after collision is

Ans:- m/m+M ×v

6. During elastic collision between two bodies kinetic energy alone is conserved . State whether this statement true or False

Ans:- False,  during elastic collision between two bodies  both momentum and kinetic energy are conserved

7. When conservative force does positive work on abody .the potential energy of the body
Ans:- decreases

8. Two masses of 2g and 8 g are moving with equal kinetic energy .The ratio of their momenta is

Ans:-  1: 2

9. The work done by the conservatives force is negative  then the potential energy  of the body decreases . State whether statement is true or False

Ans:- False. The potential energy of the  body increases

10.  Energy is lost due to friction force , is the statement currect in terms of physics. Explain?
Ans:- No energy is never lost  but get converted into  other forms

11.  State the law of conservation energy

Ans:- Energy can nighter be created nor be destroyed . It can be converted into one form to another

12. State the true or False " a block is sliding down  an inclined plan work done  by functional force is zero

Ans:-  False,  A block is sliding  down  on inclined plane  work done by the frictional force is negative because force and displacement are opposite direction

13. Difine elastic collision

Ans:- initial kinetic energy is equal to  the final kinetic energy .The collision in which both  kinetic energy and linear momentum of the colliding  bodies remain conserved  is called elastic collision

14.  What is the unit of spring constant

Ans:-  Nm -1

15. Spring force  is conservative  force.  Explain?

Ans:- work done  depends only an initial  and final  positions work done  is zero.

Thursday 20 February 2020


Chapter 6
          BREATHING AND EXCHANGE OF                                             GASES

1. Distinguish between the following

a. IRV and  ERV

IRV- inspiratory reserve volume
Additional volume of air that can be inspired forcibly after a normal inspiration
This averages 2500 - 3000 ml

ERV- Expiratory reserve volume
Additional volume of air that can be expaired forcibly after a normal  expiration This average 1100- 1200ml

2. Carbon dioxide transport in the form of bicarbonate  ion is  picturizd below .Observe the diagram and identify the enzyme noted as A

Ans:- carbonic unhydrase

3. Carefully observe the given sigmoid curve
On the graph and answer the following questions
a. What does the graph indicates
b. What are the three factor affecting the sigmoid pattern of the graph

a. Oxygen dissociation curve
b. PO2 ,PCO2, Temperature and pH

4. Asthma and emphysema are the two disorder of the human respiratory system.  Mention their causes and symptoms

Asthma:- Difficulty in breathing due to inflammation of bronchi and bronchiols

Emphysema:- Disease due to damage of alveolar walls . It is mainly by sigurt smoking

5. Pick out the wrong one and justify your answer

c. TV= 500 ml
d.  ERV= 30000 ml

Ans:- ERV= 1000- 1

6. Identify the true statement from the statement given below  and rewrite the False statements correctly

a. pneumonial sachronic disorder due to cigarette smoking
b. Carbon dioxide combine with  haemoglobin to form carba-mino haemoglobin
c.Respiratory rhythm  is maintained by the respiratory centre in the heart
d. Alveoli are the primary sets of exchange of gases

a. False
b . True
c. False
d. True

7. Observe the graph and answer the following questions

a. Identify the partial pressure of oxygen  when 50 % of  saturation  Hb with oxygen

b. Mention the  factors favorable for the formation of oxyheamoglobin in alveoli

a. 30 mm Hg

b.High partial pressure of  oxygen low partial pressure of  CO2 low H + concentrations  low temperature

8. The graph given below is oxygen  haemoglobin dissociation curve . Observe the curve and answer to the questions

a. Identify the PO2 where 90% of haemoglobin saturation occurs

b. Write any three factors favorable  for the formation of  oxyheamoglobin in alveoli

a. 60 mm Hg
b. High partial pressure of oxygen low partial pressure of CO2 ,low H+ concentration, low temperature

9. What do you meant by vital capacity

a. vital capacity is the maximum volume  air a person  can breathe in after  a forced expiration

b. Regular exercise, avoid smoking, practice yoga


Chapter 6

1. Name the type of cell division that ensures  equal distribution of  nucleus

Ans:- Mitosis

2. If the cell has 46 chromosome . How many chromosome would each daughter cell after mitosis

Ans:- 23

3. During which stage of pro phase  1 the crossing over take place

Ans:- leptin

4. By which method does cytokinesis take place in plant cell ?

Ans:-  cell plate formation

5. Name the phase of cell division in which the centromeres line up at the equator9 of the spindle

Ans:- metaphase

6. Name the term for equational division and reduction division

Ans:- Mitosis and miosis

7. Crossing over results the exchange of genetic material which occurs between

Ans:- Homologous chromosome

8. Each chromosome consists of ...... chromatids

Ans:- Eight

9. Two similar chromosome of each type
Present in diploid cell are called as

Ans:- Homologous chromosome

10. Polyploidy is properties of

Ans:- increasing the number of chromosome sets

11. Which aspect of Mitosis is affected by colchicin in including polyploidy

Ans:-  spindle formation

12. Pairing of Homologous chromosome can be seen during

Ans:-  zygotin

13.  The cell cycle of germinal cell has

Ans:- one reduction division followed by one mitotic division

14. Number of mitotic divisions required to produce 128 cell form a single cell is

Ans:-  7

15. During which stage of pro phase the crossing over take place

Ans:- pachytene

Wednesday 19 February 2020


Chapter 5
           LAW OF MOTION

1. When we kick a stone ,we ge hurt due to which one of the  following properties it happens
Ans:- reaction

2. Passengers standing in a bus thrown outward  when the bus takes sudden turns.
This happens because of
Ans:- inertia

3. A body of mass 3kg moves with an acceleration of 2 m/s 2 . The change in momentum in one second is ...........

Ans:- force = change in momentum in one second 6 kg m/s

4. Unit of impulse is same as that

Ans:- impulse = change in momentum

5. Sliding friction is a self adjusting force  . State whether this statement true or False

Ans:- False.  Static friction is a self adjusting force

6. A bomb initially at rest explodes and the fragments move in different directions with different velocities. The total momentum of the fragments at any instance is

Ans:- conservation of momentum

7. A book is placed on the table. What is the angle between action of the book on the table and the reaction of the table on the book

Ans:- 180°

8. A body of mass 20 kg is sliding on a frictionless surface with velocity 1m/s .The force required to keep it moving with the same velocity 29 kg

Ans:- 0 N ( uniform velocity implies zero force)

9. A machine guns fires 120 bullet per minute . The mass of each bullet is
m and velocity is v.The force exerted on gun is

Ans :- 2 mv

10. If the radius of circular path particle is doubled without changing its angular velocity then the centripetal force on it is

Ans:- f is also doubled

11. What will be the force of friction suffered by a sphere  rolling without slipping  over a horizontal plane ?

Ans:- zero

12. A radioactive atom of mass 226 amu shoots out an alpha particle with a speed of 1.5 ×10 m/s . The speed of the radius atom is

Ans:- momentum of alpha particle + momentum of  rasidual atom = 0

13. An aircraft executes a horizontal loop at a speed of 720 km /hour with its wings banked at 15°. What is the radius of the loop

Ans:- 15. 23 km

14. State the law of conservation of momentum

Ans:-  it states that  the total momentum of an isolated system of interacting particle is conserved

15. State the Newton's law

Ans:- The rate of change of momentum of a body is directly proportional to the applied force and takes place in the direction in which the force acts

Tuesday 18 February 2020


Chapter 5
            STATES OF MATTER

1. The temperature at which the vapour pressure of a liquid becomes  equal to the external pressure  is its
Ans:- boiling point

2.The angular momentum of an electron is zero .in which orbital may  it be present

Ans:-  2s

3. When temperatures is raised viscosity of liquid decreases

Ans:- Increases in temperature increases  the average kinetic energy of molecule which overcome attraction between molecules

4. "The Van derwaal's equation reduces itself to the ideal gas equation at low temperature and low pressure ". Check whether this statement true or False ?

Ans:- The van deal's equation reduces itself to the ideal gas equation at low pressure and high temperature

5. The rate if diffusion of methane at a given temperature is twice that of gas X .The molar mass of the gas X is X

Ans:-  64

6. Observe the relationship between first two terms and filling the blanks
a. Pressure vs temperature graph at constant molar volume : isochores
b. Pressure volume graph at constant  temperature: ...............

Ans:- isotherm

7. If the absolute temperature of a gas double and the pressure is reduced to one half  the volume of the gas  will

Ans :- be reduce to one fourth

8. When the product of pressure and volume plotted against pressure for a given amount of gas the ,the line obtained is

Ans:- paralell to X axis

9.The surface tension of a liquid ....... with increases in temperature

Ans:- decreases

10. What type of graph we get when plot a graph PV  against p? What is show by this graph?

Ans:- at all pressure and volume p is same value . So the graph is a straight line parallel to the pressure axis it verify Boyle's law
PV= constant

11.  Which property of molecules of real gases is indicated by van deal's constant  a ?

Ans:- Intermolicular attraction

12. " mountaineers Everest have to use pressure cooker to boil an egg
Justify this statement

Ans:-  A high attitude the pressure is less and so water boil temperature . Hence to boil an egg pressure cooker is necessary at Everest

13. Water can be made  to boil even at room temperature . How?

Ans:- by lowering the pressure above water with a vacum pump . Water can be made to boil  even at room temperature

14. How are the van derwaal's constant

Ans:- The van derwaal's constant b is measure is close packed molecular volume .

15. Related to the molicular size

Ans:- The molicule of the gas have greater value of  b as bigger size

Monday 17 February 2020


Chapter 5

1.Name the following
a. The antibacterial enzyme present saliva of man which helps prevention of infection
b. Digestive enzyme present in saliva

a. Lysozyme
b. Salivary amylase

2. Protein digestion by  protiolytic enzyme is given below
a. Name the enzyme marked A and B
b. Identify the gland which secretes these enzymes

 a. A- Chymotypsin
     B- carboxy peptidase

3. From the following list. Pick out the enzymes  that takes part in carbohydrate digestion ( salivary amylase,  peptidase ,lipase, carboxy peptidase)
Ans:- salivary amylase

4. In human beings dentition is heterodond
 This condition means
a. Presence of two type of teeth
b. Presence of two sets of teeth
c. Presence of different types of teeth
d. Teeth are placed in sockets of jaw
Ans:- presence of different types of teeth

5. Observe the following figure

a.Name the figure
b. Label the A ,Band D
a. Cross section of small intestine
b. A- serosa
    B- muscularis

6. Observe the given diagram and answer the following questions
a. Identify the duct labelled the A and the secretion it pours into the duodenum
b. Mention two function of secretion in digestion
a. Bile duct and bile
b. Bile emulsifes fat and activate lipases

7. The end product of fat digestion are not absorbed directly into the blood system . Justify

Ans:- The end product of fat digestion are fatty acids and glycerol . These are insoluble in water. So they are not absorbed such as into

8. The break down of biomacro molicule in the duodenum is mentioned below fill in the blank boxes with currect terms

9. Observe the diagram

a. Label the A and B
b. Even though concentrated Hcl is stored in the  stomach  it will not generally damage stomach wall .why?

a. Cardiac stomach
     Prioric stomach
b. Mucus layer in stomach and bicarbonate  present in gastric juice protects stomach wall

10. Strong acidic food in the stomach stimulates the secretion of secretin from  duodenal wall

a. What is the rule of secretion in digestion?
b. On which part of the digestive tract does secretin  act?

a. Stimulates secretion of  water and bicarbonate
b. Stomach

Thursday 13 February 2020


Chapter 5

1. Observe the relationship and filling the blanks

Plumule : cleoptile
Radicle : ..................

Ans:-  coleorhiza

2. Name the membrane present around the vaculoe
Ans:- Tonoplast

3. The innere membrane  of  mitochondria thrown  into folds to form finger like structure is called
Ans:- cristae

4. Chlorophyll located inside the
Ans:- Thylakoids

5. The cell organelle which is rich in manganese
Ans:- mitochondria

6.In plant cell. digestion of  fats occurs with the help of
Ans:- glyoxysomes

7. Nucleus was discovered by
Ans:- Robert Brown

8. Wrong statements about cell membrane
a. They are selectively permeable
b.They are composed of lipids and proteins
c. They undergo dynamic changes
d. They are inelastic and non flexible
Ans:- d

9. The membrane around the vaculoe is called
Ans:- Tonoplast

10. Plant cell wall mainly consists of
Ans:- cellulose

11. DNA Could be found in
Ans:- mitochondria

12. Microfilaments are composed mainly of a protein called
Ans:- actin

13. Smooth endoplasmic reticulam is the site of
Ans :- Lipid synthesis

14. The main potion of cetromose is
Ans:- formation of spindle fibres

15. The cell theory was proposed by
Ans:- Schleiden and Schwann

16. The chromatin contains some basic proteins called

Ans:- Histones

17. Study the relationship and fill in the blanks

Nucleus  : Robert Brown
Cell theory  :  schleiden and Schwann

18. Cytoscelton is made up of
Ans:- proteinacous Filaments

19. Observe relationship and fill in the blank
Chlorophyll  - photosynthesis
Ribosomes- ........

Ans :- protein synthesis

Wednesday 12 February 2020


Chapter 4
           MOTION IN A PLANE

1. The motion of a rocket, physical quantity which is conserved is

Ans:-  Lienier momentum

2. The resultant of  two vectors has minimum magnitude. When the angle between them is

Ans:- 180°
( in opposit direction)

3. Which is the doesn't  affect the maximum  height attained by the projectile ?

Ans:-  mass of the projectile

4. "A projectile has maximum value for time of flight when angle of projection is 45".state whether this statement true or false

False ,the maximum  when 0= 90°

5. The relative velocity of particle moving with a velocity v .with respect to itself is

Ans:- zero

6. Two bullets are fired horizontally  with different velocities  from the same heights which will reach the ground first

Ans:-  downward acceleration and velocity is same for both ,so both will reach simultaneously

7. The rectangular components of a force 5N  in the following set is

Ans:- 4N,3N

8. Two force 4Nand 3N are acting perpendicular to each other .The magnitude of the resultent is
a. 7N
b. 5N
c  1N

Ans:- 5N

9. The path of a projectile is a
Ans:- Parabola

10. The methods for the addition for vectorsis known as

Ans:- parallelogram

11.Two bodies are
 Moving in opposit direction with  velocity v  The relative velocity of  one with respect to other is
Ans:- 2V
Relative velocity = V-(-V) =2V

12. The two particle Moving with velocities V1 and V2 There relative velocity is maximum .When the angle between
Theire velocities is

Ans:- Phy( particle moving opposite direction)

13. Define scalar quantity with example

Ans:- scalar quantities are  quantities  with magnitude  only
Eg:- mass ,speed, distance, temperature

14.Define vector quantity with example

Ans:- vector quantities are quantities with magnitude and direction both
Eg:- displacement, velocity and acceleration

15. In a harbour ,wind is blowing at the speed of 72km/hour  and the flag on the mast of a boat anchored in the harbour flutters along the N-E direction  of the boat starts moving at a speed of 51 km/h to the north . What is the direction of the flag on mast of  the boat ?

Ans:- East

Tuesday 11 February 2020


Chapter 4
             CHEMICAL  BONDING AND MOLE                                     STRUCTURE

1. Flourin  orbital is formed by
Ans:- The axial p-p orbital overlap

2. Acetylene molecule has carbon  in hybridisation
Ans:-  sp hybridisation

3. Which of the following has the smallest bond angle


4. Oxygen molecules contains
a. One unpaired electron
b. Two unpaired electron
c. Three unpaired electron
d. No unpaired electron
Ans :- two unpaired electron

5. The comparatively  high boiling point of hydrogen fluoride is due to

Ans :- formation of hydrogen bond and consequent association

6.  Which one of the following arrangements of molicules is correct on the basis of their dipole moment ?

a. BF3>BN3>NH3
b. BN3 >NH3  >BF3
c. NH3 >NF3 >BF3

Ans:- NH3 >NF3 >BF3

7. The molicular geometry of BF is ......BF

ANS:- Triogonal planar

8. The molicule containing  non zero dipole moment is
a. H2O
b. NH3
c. CH4

Ans:- H20

9. " The most electronegative element
in the periodic table is chlorine " this statement is true or False

False , The most electronegative  element in the periodic table is Fluorine

10. Observe the relationship between  the
first two terms and fill in the blank

Tetrahydral : Sp3
Triogonal  : ........

Ans:- Sp3

11. HF ,H2O,o- nitrophenol ,NH3 , ROH, salicylic acid . Classify the above molicules according to the type of hydrogen bond in them
Ans:- intermolicular hydrogen bond :- HF, H2O, NH3, R OH ,
Intramolicular hydrogen bond:- salicylic acid , O -nitro Phenol

12. compare the dipole moment of  compound  in each  of the following sets
a. BF3 and BCl3
b. SO2 and CO2
Ans :'
a. Both BF3 and BCl3 has zero dipole moment due to planar structure
b. SO2 grater dipole moment than CO2

13. Draw the Lewis structure for the following molicules and ions

H2S , BeF2 , HCOOH

14 . Out of O2 and  N2 molicules which is expected to have grater bond energy ? Explain why it is so

Ans:- N2 has grater bond energy than O2 . In  N2 there's triple bond [N=N] ,Where as in O ,(O=O)  as number of bonds increases  bond length decreases and bond enthalpy increases

15. Define electron gain enthalpy

Ans:- it is defined as energy released when one mole of neural gaseous atom gain one electron 

Monday 10 February 2020


Chapter 4

1. The predominant substance found in the wall of crock  tissue
Ans :- suberin

2. Scattered vascular bundles are found in
Ans:- monocots

3 which of the following is not a character of monocots
a. Precence of single seed leaf
b. Endosperm present in the mature  seed
C. Floral parts as multiple odour or five

Ans:- Floral parts as multiples of  four or five

4. Name the tissue formed by the division of meristem
Ans:- permanent tissue

5. Which tissue is always young and in active division
Ans:- meristem

6. Name the zone of slowly dividing cell  in the middle of  highly meristamatic  cell of the root tip
Ans:- quiesunt center

7. Study the relationship between the first pair and fill up the blank

Root: Radial vascular bundle  stem
Ans:- cellateral vascular bundle

8. Vascular bundle in monocot root  is poly arch and hex arch radial  in dicot root it is
Ans:- Diarch to the arch , radial

9. Name the type vascular bundle  of  cucurbita stem

10. Study the relationship and fill  in the blank
Spring season: early wood
Autumn season:
Ans :- Late wood

11. Which of the following group produces spores but lack vascular tissue ?

a. Pteridophyt
b. Gymnosperm
c. Fungi
Ans:-  fungi

12. Companion cells are specialised paranchyma  cells  which are closely associated  with the .......... element

Ans:- suberin

13. The cell which take part in the confection of  water and salts in higher plants

Ans:-  Trache

14. Polyarch, exarch xylem  is found in
Ans:- monocots root

15. In a young dicot stem, epidemis is covered by a waxy coating called
Ans :- cuticle

Sunday 9 February 2020


Chapter 4

1. The molicular structure of 2 amino acid are given below name them

a. Serine
b. Alanine
2. a. Complete  the diagrammatic representation showing the nature of enzyme action

 b. List out any two factors affecting enzyme activity
 C.Based on the  reaction formulae given below  identify the classes of enzymes
   Ans :-
a. EP enzyme complex product
b. Product/ p   

3.  Identify the given biomolecule

Ans:-  A-serin
           B-adenelyc acid
           C- Cholesterol

4.Meltabolites are  organic compound constantly utilised in various  metabolic activities in the cell.what are two types of metabolic activity in the cells?

Primary metabolites and secondary metabolites

5. Enzyme are boi catalyst  which regulate various biochemical reaction. illustrate the  following reaction

E+S - ES- EP
The substrat
Ans:-                                                                               1- The substrat binds to the active site of the enzyme
      2- This binding induces  some changes in the enzyme . So that the substrate is tightly bound with the active site of the enzyme 
      3- The active site of the enzyme breaks the chemical bond of the substrate 
      4- Now the enzyme releases the product of the reaction and the free enzyme is ready to bind to another molecule of the substrate

6. Anayse the graph  showing  the activity of an Enzyme  influenced by  temperature 

 a. What is meant by optimum temperature 
 b. Why does the enzyme activity declineat too low and too high temperature 
a. It is the temperature  at which enzyme  show's its maximum activity 
b.Low temperature inactivate the enzymes

7. Name the chemical bond formed between the following 
a. A mink acid protein  molecule 
b. Sugar and phosphate are nucleic acid
a. Peptide bond
b. Ester bond

8. Observe the   following representations and fill up the blanks appropriately 
Ans:- A- secondary metabolites 
          B- Amini acid 
          C- pigments

9. The substrate concentrations in a factors affecting enzyme activity . Explain with the help of a graph 
When substrate concentrations increase rate of enzyme action increase upto a central level after which rate remain constant

10. Non protein constitutes called factors are bound to the enzyme to make the enzyme catalytic activity
a. Name the protein protein of the enzyme 
b. What happens to the catalytic activity when the cofactor is removed from  the enzyme 
C. Mention any two factor of cofactor with examples 

a. Apo enzyme 
b. Catalytic property is lost when the cofactor  is removed from the enzyme 
c. Prosthetic group  eg:- haem co enzyme ,NAD, NADP

11. Observe the graph 
a. What is meant by v max value?
b. Why is v max not exeeded by any further rise in the substrate concentrations ?
c. If a chemical substance closely resembling to that of a substrate in introduced in to the reaction system . what will be the consequence .substantiate 

a. V max means maximum velocity. The velocity of enzymatic reactions increases with the increase in concentration of substrate at first . The reaction finally reaches at maximum velocity . Which is not exeeded by any further rise in  substrate concentrations 
b. Because the substrate molecule exeeded the enzyme molecules and
c. Because of this structure similarly , the chemical structure complete with the substrate for active site of the enzyme 

12. Identify  the protein structure A and B from the following figure
Ans:-  A.protein secondary structure 
           B. Protein tertiary structure 

13. Observe the following diagram ang answer the question 

a. Identify  the A to D
b. Name the compound obtaind by the fusion of one C and three D

A- Glucose
B- glycin
C- Glycerol
D- Fatty acid
b. Triglycerid


Saturday 8 February 2020


Chapter 3
            ELEMENTS AND  PERIODICITY IN                                             PROPERTIES

1. Considering elements B,Al,Mgand K .The correct order of their metallic character is .................
Ans:-    k>Mg>Al>B

2. In the modern periodic table, the period indicates the value of
a. Atomic number
b. Atomic mass
C. Principal quantum number
d. None

Ans:- principal quantum number

3. Which of the following statement related to the modern periodic table is incorrect
a. The p- block has 6columns , because a maximum of 6 electrons can occupy all the orbital in a p shell
b. The d block has 8 columns , because maximum of 8 electron can occupy all the orbital in a d shell.
C. The block indicates the value of azimuthal quantum number for the last sub shell that recieved electrons in building up electronic configuration
Ans : b

4. Anything that influences the valence electrons will affect the chemistry of the element.  Which one of the following factors does not affect the valence shell?
a. neclear charge
b. nuclear mass
c. Number of electrons
d.atomic mass

Ans:- nuclear mass

5. " Among halogen,  the currect order of energy released in  electron gain is F>cl<Br>l  " state whether this statement is true or False

Ans:- False, correct order is F<Cl>Br>

6. The size of isoelectronic species F, Ne and nat is affected by
a. Nuclear charge
b. Valence principal quantum number
c. Electron- electron intersection in outer orbital
d. None
a and c

7. Which one of the following statement is incorrect in relation to ionisation enthalpy?

a. Ionisation enthalpy increases for each successive electron
b. The greatest increases ionisation enthalpy is experienced on removed of electron for core noble gas configurations
c.The remove of electron for orbitals bearing lower value is easier then from orbital having higher n value
d . None of thus

Ans:- c

8. Observe the relationship between the first two terms and fill in the blanks
a. Electron gain enthalpy : F<Cl>Br>
b. ....................: O>F>N>Cl

Ans: chemical reactivity in terms of oxidation property

9. Which of the following is the correct order of size of the given species ?
a. |>|- >|+
b. |+ >|->|
c. |>|+>|-
d. |->|>|+

Ans :-   d

10. The elements in which electron are progressively filled in 4f - orbital called
Ans:- Lanthenoids

11. Atomic number of two elements A and B are 31 and 41. Identify their group and period in the long from of the period periodic table

Ans:- Element A 31; valence electronic configuration 4s2 4p1;  group -13and period -4 Element B : 41; valence electronic configuration 4d4 5s1, group- 5 and period-5

12. Periodic table is a chart in which elements having similar chemical and physical properties are grouped together

a. Group the following elements in pairs that you would expect so show similar chemical properties k, F, O,  Na, Cl, S
b. Out of  Fe2+ and Fe3+ ions  which is smaller in size? Explain.

a. K and  Na , F and Cl, O and S
b. Feat is smaller than feat grater the charge smaller will be the ion

13.Develepment of periodic table and periodic law are the consequence of  systematicsing knowledge of elements
a. State the morden periodic law
b  of the following which scientists did not contribute towards development of periodic table

I. Dobereiner
ii. Boyle
iii. Lother Meyer
iv. Newton's

Ans ;-
a. Morden periodic law  state that the physical and chemical properties of the elements are periodic function of the atomic number. 
b. Boyle

14.  Generally electron gain enthalpy increases along a period and decreases down the group.  But electron gain enthalpy of oxygen is - 141 kJ/mol while that of sulfur is - 200 kJ/mol explain

Ans:- This is because when an electron is added to zero,  the electron goes to smaller n= 2 level and suffers electron - electron repulsion where as in sulfur, the electron occupies a large n= 3 level and electron- electron repulsion  is less

15.k+and Ca2+ are isoelectronic with argon
a. Explain what is isoelectronic in
b. Out of  Nat and Na+ which has smaller - size and why? K+
a. The ions having same number of electrons but different magnitude  of nuclear charge are called  isoelectronic ion b
b. ( Nahas smaller size then Na the radius of cation is smaller than that of the parent atom

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Thursday 6 February 2020


Chapter  3

1. A car travel a distance, S on a straight road  in two hours and then returns to the starting point in three  hours .its average velocity is

a. S/5
b. 25/5
c. 0

2. A particle move with uniform velocity .which of the  following statements about  the motion of particles is true
a.its speed is zero
b.its acceleration is zero
C. Its acceleration is opposite to velocity
d.  Its speed may be variable

3. If the displacement of particle is zero then its distance covered  must be zero " state whether  this statement is true or false

4. Acceleration due to gravity i independent of... ( massbof the earth,mass of the body)

5. A car and motorcycle moving in the same direction with velocities 15m/s and 20 m/s The motorcycle overtakes the car at certain instant. At what time thereafter  will they be at 250 m apart?

6.A ball takes t1s to fall from a hight h1 and 2 t1s to fall from a hight h12


7.A body projected upwards reaches a maximum height, the velocity with which it was projected..................

8. A car starts accelerating  uniformly from rest for sometime moves with a uniform velocity  for sometime and come to rest with uniform retardation .Draw the velocity time graph of the car .

9. The position -time graph  for two objects A and B are shown below
a. Which object is stationary?
b. Which object is in uniform motion?
c. Define uniform motion.

10. Given below are some examples of motion.
a. A railway carriage moving without jerks between two stations.
b. A monkey sitting on top of a man cycling smoothly on a circular path.
c. A spinning cricket ball that turns sharply on hitting the ground
d. A tumbling beaker that has slipped off the edge of a tae

I. In which of the above examples ,can the body be considered approximately a point object?
ii. What is the criteria for considering an object in motion as point object ?
iii. While considering the motion of planet around sun , can we approximate them as point objects ? State the reason

11.A car travel with a speed af 25m/s for 2 minutes and then with 20 m/s for 1 minute
 a. Calculate the total distance travelled by the car
b. What is the average speed?
C.Define average speed

12. A ball is dropped from the top of a tower
a. Derive an expression  for velocity of body after certain time in non- uniform  motion
b  prove that  the height of the tower is 20 m if the ball  reaches the ground  with velocity 20m/s.

13. A car covers the first half of the distance between two places at a speed of 40 km /h
And the second half at 60 km/h . Calculate the average speed of the car

14. If the displacement of a particle is given by ,X= A+ Bt2
Find the velocity at t= 28. X= A+Bt2

15. The velocity- time graph of a body in the interval t=0 s to t= 65 is given below
i) suggest a method to calculate displacement using velocity-time graph
ii) Find displacement

Thank you

Wednesday 5 February 2020


Chapter 3
      STRUCTURAL ORGANISATION IN                                     ANIMALS

1.Obseve the diagram showing the allmentary canal of cockroache.Name the parts labelled A,B,C and D
Ans.   A- crop
           B- Hepatic caecae
           C- Malpighian tubules
           D-colon/ hindgut

2.In cockroach spiracles are present in
a. Alimentary canal
b.Tracheal system
c.Mulphegian tubs
d.Reprodactive system
Ans:- Tracheal system

3. If the head of cockroach is cut off, it will be it will be alive for as long as one week.  Give clarification for this statement
ans-The head hold only a bit of  nervous system.  The rest is situated along the vetral part of its body

4.The male and female cockroaches can be identified by the different in their morphological features.
a. Name this phenomenon
b.give one external difference between males and females
Ans)a.exual dimorphism
        b. In male , short thread like anal styles present in females, it is absent

5. Where do you find the following structures in a human  body?
a. Collagen fibers
b. Squamous epithelium
d. Smooth muscles
a.collagen fibers- connective tissue
b.Axon - Neuron
c.Squamous epithelium- Walls of blood             vessels
d.smooth muscle- visceral organs

6.Blood glands are the characteristics feature of earthworm
a. In which segment,  they are seen
b.write its function
Ans:- a.4,5,6 segments
          b.produce blood cells and                                       haemoglobin

7.write any two differences between a and       b identify
                            a      b
   Ans:-   1-Non striated (smooth) muscle
               2-striated (skeletal) muscle

8. Observe the following figure. No need to redraw the diagram
a. Label the parts A and B
b. Write the function of B

   a. A Nucleus B interrelated disc
   b.pass the signal to adjacent cells for the            contraction of cells as a unit

9.Cell junction are the most important parts of the animal tissues
a. Write any two types of cell junctions.
b. Mention their function.
a. Tight junction, gap junction
b.Tight junction: To stop substance from leaking across tissue
Gap junction: Facillitate cells to communicate with each other

10. Kn an animal discussion in your class your friend made a comment that  " Malpighian tubules are the kindly of a cockroach " How will you evaluate this statement
Ans:- Friend's comment is currect.  Malpighian tubules are the excretory organs of cockroach like kidney of man

  A schematic sketch representing the alimentary canal of cockroach is given above.  Fill the boxes with the appropriate organs from the list . No need to redraw the diagram
Crop , salivary gland, gizzard , Rectum , Malpighian  tuble, Hepatic
a. Salivary glands
d.Hepatic caeca
e.Malpighian tubules

The diagram given below is a simple epithelium
a. Name the part marked as 'P' in the figure
b. Write  one function of  a simple  epithelium
Ans :-
a. P - basement membrane
b. Simple epithelium functions as linings for body cavities , ducts and tubes

13.complete the given branching diagram based on connective tissue

A. Specialised connective tissue
B.Adipose tissue
D. Cartilage

14. Observe the following chart and answer the given questions
Fill in the missing words A and B
Ans:- A- Globet cell/ Mucous secreting cells
          B- Exocrine gland / Ducted gland


Monday 3 February 2020


Chapter 3
          MORPHOLOGY OF FLOWERING                                          PLANTS

1. Fill the blank by observing the relationship with the first pairs
a. Racemose : Acrpetal succession
b. Lymose :
Ans:-  Basipetal succession

2. Which part of the embryo develops in to a root
Ans:- Radicle

3. Is the root system develops from any part of the plant body other than the radicle
Ans :- Adventitiuos root system

4.what type of stem modification are found in citrus
Ans:- Thorns

5.Develepment of fruit without fertilization
a. Parthenocrapy
b. Sporogamy
c. Autogamy
d. Pseuodogamy
Ans:- parthenocrapy

6. Flower without the non- essential whorl is  called non- essential  whorl person flower moon
Ans:- Monochlaydeous

7. Phyllotoxy refers to the arrangement of
Ans:- Leaves on branch

8. One of the following is a indehiscent fruit
a. Caryopsis
b. Pod
Ans:- Caryopsis

9. The cotyledon of rice is named
Ans:- seutellum

10.Name the outer covering of seed
Ans:- Testa the relation and fill in the blank
     Carrot Acaicia Leaf modification
Ans:- Root modification

12. Arrangement of ovules in every is called
Ans:- placentation

13. Find the odd one
Overy,Filament, style, stigma
Ans:-  Filament

14. Select wrong statements
a. persistent  calyx is seen in solanacea
b. Flowers are hypogynous in asteranceae
c.Santonin is obtained from Artemisca
d. In poaceac, Perianth is represent by membrneous scales called iodicules
Ans:- Flowers are hypogynous in asteranceae

15. Observe the given relation and fill in blank
Cucumber- Tendril
Citrus       - .............
Ans:- Thorn

16. Bentham a Hooker's classification is mainly based on ..........
Ans:- vegetative characters and floral characters

17. The leaves without petiole are called ......
c. rachis
d. lamina
Ans:- sessile

18. One of the following is a indehiscent fruit
a. Caryopsis
b pod
d. Lomentum
Ans:- Caryopsis

19. A flower without the  non- essential whorl is called.........
a. dioecious
d. achalamydeous
Ans:- achalamydeous

20. 'A single plant can have two different types of leaves '
If this statement is true, explain with example
Ans:- yes The presence of more than one type of leaves on same plant is called heteophyll. Eg Limnophylla, heterophylla.


Chapter 2
          Units and measurement

1. The number of significant figures in 0.002305 is .................
2. One kilometre is equal to ............
3. " Relative density is a dimension less quantity  " state whether this statement is true or False error belongs to.............. category ( personal error/ instrumental error)
5. If force =1×velocity, what is the dimensional formula of n?
6.What is the number of significant number in 200.0?
7. Given force of [F]is given by F= pt -1  +Qt;Wher 't' is time The unit of p is same as that of  ..........
8." Kw is unit of energy "  check whether this statement is true or False.
9.Given the 'c' is the speed of light. A laser signal send towards the moon return after  't' seconds. The distance of the moon from the observer is ...............
10. Hz= ...........s -1
11. Gravitational potential energy of an object depends on the mass of the object, its height from the surface of earth and acceleration due to gravity . Using the method  of dimensions derive an expression for the potential energy
12. Large distance such as distance to planet or star from  Earth  cannot be measured directly.

i) Name a method used for measuring such distance.
ii) Picture shows the angle subtended by a distant planet 's at two different positions A and B on earth. Write the formula for calculating D
13. The volume v of the liquid crossing a tube is related to the area of  cross  section A, velocity  V and time T
a.Rewrite the equation replacing the quantities with thair dimensional formula
b.if y= 1,find the value of alpha and beta
15.A rectangle has a length of 8.43 cm and breadth 1.212cm
a. Calculate the area of the rectangle rounded to appropriate significant figures.
b. Calculate the perimeter of  the  rectangle rounded to appropriate 

Sunday 2 February 2020


Chapter 2
           Structure of Atom

1.which of the following set of quantum number is not possible for an electron in the ground state of an atom with atomic number 19
c.n=2, l=1,m=0
d.n=3, l=1,1=0
Ans:- b.n

2.which is the element with electronic configuration of its atom 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3d10 4s1
Ans:- V

3.The observation that the ground state of nitrogen atom has 3 unpaid electron in its electronic configuration and not otherwise is associated with a. Paul's exclusive principle
Ans:-Hund's rule of maximum multiplicity

4.The quantum number n=2, l=1 represent
a.2p orbital
b.1s orbital
C.3d orbital
d.3s orbital
Ans:-2p orbital

5.Two electron in the same atomic orbital can be distinguished by their
a. Principle quantum number
b.azimuthal quantum number
C.spin quantum number
d.magnetic quantum number
Ans:- spin quantum number

6.what is the maximum number of electrons in an atom that can have the following quantum number  n=4 ,m=1,? n=4,m=1
Ans:- 6

7."The total number of  orbitals in a shell having principal quantum n is 2n* "state whether this statement is true or false?
Ans:- False. The total number of orbital in a shell having principal  quantum n is n2

8.Observe the relationship  between  the first two terms  and fill in the blanks
a.Principal quantum number: Energy- and size of orbital
b.azimuthal quantum number:
Ans:shape of the orbital

9.A 4f orbital has
a. One node
b.two nodes
C.four nodes
d.three nodes
Ans:-three nodes

10.Orbitals angular momentum depends on
b.n and l
c.n and m
d n and S
Ans:- l

11.The shapes of  two orbitals are given as follows

Write the azimuthal and magnetic quantum number of both.
Ans:- i)1=0 m=0,'l' refers to azimuthal and 'm' to magnetic quantum number
      ii) l= 1, 1=  -1 , 0,+1

12. Electromagnetic radiation has dual character, particle character as well as wave character. Name two phenomenon each to justify the particle and wave nature
Ans:- Reflection and refraction  explained by particle nature  of electromagnetic radiation.  Differation and interference explained by wave of electromagnetic radiation

13. The atomic number of an element is derived from
Ans:- number of photos

14.Obseve the following radiations
IR rays,  sound waves, Radio waves and x rays.find the which is not electromagnetic
Ans:- Sound wave is not an electromagnetic waves are associated with oscillating electric and magnetic character

15. Give the maximum number of electrons that  can be  accommodate in:

I. n= 4
ii.2p orbital
Ans:- i)n= 4 no of electron = 2n= 2×16 =32
          ii)An orbital can accommodate                              maximum  2 electrons.

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Saturday 1 February 2020



 Notification from health department in the UAE about corona virus infection.

Please tell  your families, relatives and friends.

DOH Health bulletin to the public

Upper lung infections currently affecting China are very serious.  The virus that causes it, it is very powerful and resistant to existing antibiotics
[ The virus is not a bacterial infection, therefore antibiotics cannot be treated]


Keep your throat wet.Don't be dry your throat, so don't quench your thirst . Because the membrane in your throat is dry ,the virus can enter your body within 10 mints ,  Regardless of age .Drink 50- 80 °c hot water, for children 30 -50°c .Don't wait all the time  when your throat feels dry, keep water in hand. Don't drink too much water at one time, alternatively keep the throat moist. Don't go to especially on train or public transport

FOODS TO AVOID :- Fried food and spicy food
FOODS TO EAT:- Diets containing vitamin c


1) Repeated high fever .
2)Prolonged cough after fever.
3)Children are more likely .
4)Adult usually experience irritable                   headaches,  mainly respiratory distress

The disease is very contagious

We can continue to pray for allah
Please share

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