Thursday 6 February 2020


Chapter  3

1. A car travel a distance, S on a straight road  in two hours and then returns to the starting point in three  hours .its average velocity is

a. S/5
b. 25/5
c. 0

2. A particle move with uniform velocity .which of the  following statements about  the motion of particles is true
a.its speed is zero
b.its acceleration is zero
C. Its acceleration is opposite to velocity
d.  Its speed may be variable

3. If the displacement of particle is zero then its distance covered  must be zero " state whether  this statement is true or false

4. Acceleration due to gravity i independent of... ( massbof the earth,mass of the body)

5. A car and motorcycle moving in the same direction with velocities 15m/s and 20 m/s The motorcycle overtakes the car at certain instant. At what time thereafter  will they be at 250 m apart?

6.A ball takes t1s to fall from a hight h1 and 2 t1s to fall from a hight h12


7.A body projected upwards reaches a maximum height, the velocity with which it was projected..................

8. A car starts accelerating  uniformly from rest for sometime moves with a uniform velocity  for sometime and come to rest with uniform retardation .Draw the velocity time graph of the car .

9. The position -time graph  for two objects A and B are shown below
a. Which object is stationary?
b. Which object is in uniform motion?
c. Define uniform motion.

10. Given below are some examples of motion.
a. A railway carriage moving without jerks between two stations.
b. A monkey sitting on top of a man cycling smoothly on a circular path.
c. A spinning cricket ball that turns sharply on hitting the ground
d. A tumbling beaker that has slipped off the edge of a tae

I. In which of the above examples ,can the body be considered approximately a point object?
ii. What is the criteria for considering an object in motion as point object ?
iii. While considering the motion of planet around sun , can we approximate them as point objects ? State the reason

11.A car travel with a speed af 25m/s for 2 minutes and then with 20 m/s for 1 minute
 a. Calculate the total distance travelled by the car
b. What is the average speed?
C.Define average speed

12. A ball is dropped from the top of a tower
a. Derive an expression  for velocity of body after certain time in non- uniform  motion
b  prove that  the height of the tower is 20 m if the ball  reaches the ground  with velocity 20m/s.

13. A car covers the first half of the distance between two places at a speed of 40 km /h
And the second half at 60 km/h . Calculate the average speed of the car

14. If the displacement of a particle is given by ,X= A+ Bt2
Find the velocity at t= 28. X= A+Bt2

15. The velocity- time graph of a body in the interval t=0 s to t= 65 is given below
i) suggest a method to calculate displacement using velocity-time graph
ii) Find displacement

Thank you