Tuesday 25 February 2020


Chapter 6

1.  A Thermodynamics  state function  is quantity

Ans:-  whose value independent of path

2. For the process  to occur adiabatic condition, the currect condition is
Ans:- g= 0

3." Out of diamond and graphite .diamond are grater entropy " state whether this statement true or False

Ans:- False, out of diamond and graphite graphite has greater entropy.  Because  of the presence of layers which are loosely
Packed are compare to diamond

4. A reaction  A+ B + C+D+Q formed to have a positive entropy  change .The reaction will be

Ans:- possible at any temperature

5.  The heat absorbed in a constant volume process  is equal to  system's change

Ans:-  entropy × temperature

6. The enthalpies of all elements  in their standard  states are

Ans:-  0

7.  UP of combustion  of methane is X kj/mol
The value of delta H°

Ans:- >delta U°

8. Observe the relationship between the first two term and filling the blank

Isotherm process: delta s = 2.303 log( T2/T1)

Isobaric prosess:

Ans:- delta s = 2.303 cup log T( T2/T1)

9. Choose the correct pair
a. A liquid veparises s= positive
b.  Reversible expansion of an ideal gas s= negative

Ans:- A liquid veparises s= positive

10. Select the odd one of the following sets

a. Temperature, pressure, mass, density
b. Internal energy, work  enthalpy, entropy

a. Mass
b. Work

11. State Hess's law

Ans:- Hess's law state that, the enthalpy of a reaction will be the same whether it take place in one step several steps

12. What is the relation between standard free energy change and cell
Ans:- delta G theta = - nFEcell

13.  Why does the  entropy of a solid  incase
 Open fusion ?

Ans:- upon fusion ,solid changes to liquid and in their later the entropy of the particle is  higher

14. Unit of entropy

Ans:- Jk -1 mol -1

15.  Difind the Gibbs energy

Ans:- Gibbs energy may be difind as the amound of energy available
For doing useful work under condition of constant temperature and pressure