Tuesday 18 February 2020


Chapter 5
            STATES OF MATTER

1. The temperature at which the vapour pressure of a liquid becomes  equal to the external pressure  is its
Ans:- boiling point

2.The angular momentum of an electron is zero .in which orbital may  it be present

Ans:-  2s

3. When temperatures is raised viscosity of liquid decreases

Ans:- Increases in temperature increases  the average kinetic energy of molecule which overcome attraction between molecules

4. "The Van derwaal's equation reduces itself to the ideal gas equation at low temperature and low pressure ". Check whether this statement true or False ?

Ans:- The van deal's equation reduces itself to the ideal gas equation at low pressure and high temperature

5. The rate if diffusion of methane at a given temperature is twice that of gas X .The molar mass of the gas X is X

Ans:-  64

6. Observe the relationship between first two terms and filling the blanks
a. Pressure vs temperature graph at constant molar volume : isochores
b. Pressure volume graph at constant  temperature: ...............

Ans:- isotherm

7. If the absolute temperature of a gas double and the pressure is reduced to one half  the volume of the gas  will

Ans :- be reduce to one fourth

8. When the product of pressure and volume plotted against pressure for a given amount of gas the ,the line obtained is

Ans:- paralell to X axis

9.The surface tension of a liquid ....... with increases in temperature

Ans:- decreases

10. What type of graph we get when plot a graph PV  against p? What is show by this graph?

Ans:- at all pressure and volume p is same value . So the graph is a straight line parallel to the pressure axis it verify Boyle's law
PV= constant

11.  Which property of molecules of real gases is indicated by van deal's constant  a ?

Ans:- Intermolicular attraction

12. " mountaineers Everest have to use pressure cooker to boil an egg
Justify this statement

Ans:-  A high attitude the pressure is less and so water boil temperature . Hence to boil an egg pressure cooker is necessary at Everest

13. Water can be made  to boil even at room temperature . How?

Ans:- by lowering the pressure above water with a vacum pump . Water can be made to boil  even at room temperature

14. How are the van derwaal's constant

Ans:- The van derwaal's constant b is measure is close packed molecular volume .

15. Related to the molicular size

Ans:- The molicule of the gas have greater value of  b as bigger size