Wednesday 5 February 2020


Chapter 3
      STRUCTURAL ORGANISATION IN                                     ANIMALS

1.Obseve the diagram showing the allmentary canal of cockroache.Name the parts labelled A,B,C and D
Ans.   A- crop
           B- Hepatic caecae
           C- Malpighian tubules
           D-colon/ hindgut

2.In cockroach spiracles are present in
a. Alimentary canal
b.Tracheal system
c.Mulphegian tubs
d.Reprodactive system
Ans:- Tracheal system

3. If the head of cockroach is cut off, it will be it will be alive for as long as one week.  Give clarification for this statement
ans-The head hold only a bit of  nervous system.  The rest is situated along the vetral part of its body

4.The male and female cockroaches can be identified by the different in their morphological features.
a. Name this phenomenon
b.give one external difference between males and females
Ans)a.exual dimorphism
        b. In male , short thread like anal styles present in females, it is absent

5. Where do you find the following structures in a human  body?
a. Collagen fibers
b. Squamous epithelium
d. Smooth muscles
a.collagen fibers- connective tissue
b.Axon - Neuron
c.Squamous epithelium- Walls of blood             vessels
d.smooth muscle- visceral organs

6.Blood glands are the characteristics feature of earthworm
a. In which segment,  they are seen
b.write its function
Ans:- a.4,5,6 segments
          b.produce blood cells and                                       haemoglobin

7.write any two differences between a and       b identify
                            a      b
   Ans:-   1-Non striated (smooth) muscle
               2-striated (skeletal) muscle

8. Observe the following figure. No need to redraw the diagram
a. Label the parts A and B
b. Write the function of B

   a. A Nucleus B interrelated disc
   b.pass the signal to adjacent cells for the            contraction of cells as a unit

9.Cell junction are the most important parts of the animal tissues
a. Write any two types of cell junctions.
b. Mention their function.
a. Tight junction, gap junction
b.Tight junction: To stop substance from leaking across tissue
Gap junction: Facillitate cells to communicate with each other

10. Kn an animal discussion in your class your friend made a comment that  " Malpighian tubules are the kindly of a cockroach " How will you evaluate this statement
Ans:- Friend's comment is currect.  Malpighian tubules are the excretory organs of cockroach like kidney of man

  A schematic sketch representing the alimentary canal of cockroach is given above.  Fill the boxes with the appropriate organs from the list . No need to redraw the diagram
Crop , salivary gland, gizzard , Rectum , Malpighian  tuble, Hepatic
a. Salivary glands
d.Hepatic caeca
e.Malpighian tubules

The diagram given below is a simple epithelium
a. Name the part marked as 'P' in the figure
b. Write  one function of  a simple  epithelium
Ans :-
a. P - basement membrane
b. Simple epithelium functions as linings for body cavities , ducts and tubes

13.complete the given branching diagram based on connective tissue

A. Specialised connective tissue
B.Adipose tissue
D. Cartilage

14. Observe the following chart and answer the given questions
Fill in the missing words A and B
Ans:- A- Globet cell/ Mucous secreting cells
          B- Exocrine gland / Ducted gland