Wednesday 12 February 2020


Chapter 4
           MOTION IN A PLANE

1. The motion of a rocket, physical quantity which is conserved is

Ans:-  Lienier momentum

2. The resultant of  two vectors has minimum magnitude. When the angle between them is

Ans:- 180°
( in opposit direction)

3. Which is the doesn't  affect the maximum  height attained by the projectile ?

Ans:-  mass of the projectile

4. "A projectile has maximum value for time of flight when angle of projection is 45".state whether this statement true or false

False ,the maximum  when 0= 90°

5. The relative velocity of particle moving with a velocity v .with respect to itself is

Ans:- zero

6. Two bullets are fired horizontally  with different velocities  from the same heights which will reach the ground first

Ans:-  downward acceleration and velocity is same for both ,so both will reach simultaneously

7. The rectangular components of a force 5N  in the following set is

Ans:- 4N,3N

8. Two force 4Nand 3N are acting perpendicular to each other .The magnitude of the resultent is
a. 7N
b. 5N
c  1N

Ans:- 5N

9. The path of a projectile is a
Ans:- Parabola

10. The methods for the addition for vectorsis known as

Ans:- parallelogram

11.Two bodies are
 Moving in opposit direction with  velocity v  The relative velocity of  one with respect to other is
Ans:- 2V
Relative velocity = V-(-V) =2V

12. The two particle Moving with velocities V1 and V2 There relative velocity is maximum .When the angle between
Theire velocities is

Ans:- Phy( particle moving opposite direction)

13. Define scalar quantity with example

Ans:- scalar quantities are  quantities  with magnitude  only
Eg:- mass ,speed, distance, temperature

14.Define vector quantity with example

Ans:- vector quantities are quantities with magnitude and direction both
Eg:- displacement, velocity and acceleration

15. In a harbour ,wind is blowing at the speed of 72km/hour  and the flag on the mast of a boat anchored in the harbour flutters along the N-E direction  of the boat starts moving at a speed of 51 km/h to the north . What is the direction of the flag on mast of  the boat ?

Ans:- East