Sunday 9 February 2020


Chapter 4

1. The molicular structure of 2 amino acid are given below name them

a. Serine
b. Alanine
2. a. Complete  the diagrammatic representation showing the nature of enzyme action

 b. List out any two factors affecting enzyme activity
 C.Based on the  reaction formulae given below  identify the classes of enzymes
   Ans :-
a. EP enzyme complex product
b. Product/ p   

3.  Identify the given biomolecule

Ans:-  A-serin
           B-adenelyc acid
           C- Cholesterol

4.Meltabolites are  organic compound constantly utilised in various  metabolic activities in the cell.what are two types of metabolic activity in the cells?

Primary metabolites and secondary metabolites

5. Enzyme are boi catalyst  which regulate various biochemical reaction. illustrate the  following reaction

E+S - ES- EP
The substrat
Ans:-                                                                               1- The substrat binds to the active site of the enzyme
      2- This binding induces  some changes in the enzyme . So that the substrate is tightly bound with the active site of the enzyme 
      3- The active site of the enzyme breaks the chemical bond of the substrate 
      4- Now the enzyme releases the product of the reaction and the free enzyme is ready to bind to another molecule of the substrate

6. Anayse the graph  showing  the activity of an Enzyme  influenced by  temperature 

 a. What is meant by optimum temperature 
 b. Why does the enzyme activity declineat too low and too high temperature 
a. It is the temperature  at which enzyme  show's its maximum activity 
b.Low temperature inactivate the enzymes

7. Name the chemical bond formed between the following 
a. A mink acid protein  molecule 
b. Sugar and phosphate are nucleic acid
a. Peptide bond
b. Ester bond

8. Observe the   following representations and fill up the blanks appropriately 
Ans:- A- secondary metabolites 
          B- Amini acid 
          C- pigments

9. The substrate concentrations in a factors affecting enzyme activity . Explain with the help of a graph 
When substrate concentrations increase rate of enzyme action increase upto a central level after which rate remain constant

10. Non protein constitutes called factors are bound to the enzyme to make the enzyme catalytic activity
a. Name the protein protein of the enzyme 
b. What happens to the catalytic activity when the cofactor is removed from  the enzyme 
C. Mention any two factor of cofactor with examples 

a. Apo enzyme 
b. Catalytic property is lost when the cofactor  is removed from the enzyme 
c. Prosthetic group  eg:- haem co enzyme ,NAD, NADP

11. Observe the graph 
a. What is meant by v max value?
b. Why is v max not exeeded by any further rise in the substrate concentrations ?
c. If a chemical substance closely resembling to that of a substrate in introduced in to the reaction system . what will be the consequence .substantiate 

a. V max means maximum velocity. The velocity of enzymatic reactions increases with the increase in concentration of substrate at first . The reaction finally reaches at maximum velocity . Which is not exeeded by any further rise in  substrate concentrations 
b. Because the substrate molecule exeeded the enzyme molecules and
c. Because of this structure similarly , the chemical structure complete with the substrate for active site of the enzyme 

12. Identify  the protein structure A and B from the following figure
Ans:-  A.protein secondary structure 
           B. Protein tertiary structure 

13. Observe the following diagram ang answer the question 

a. Identify  the A to D
b. Name the compound obtaind by the fusion of one C and three D

A- Glucose
B- glycin
C- Glycerol
D- Fatty acid
b. Triglycerid