Monday 3 February 2020


Chapter 2
          Units and measurement

1. The number of significant figures in 0.002305 is .................
2. One kilometre is equal to ............
3. " Relative density is a dimension less quantity  " state whether this statement is true or False error belongs to.............. category ( personal error/ instrumental error)
5. If force =1×velocity, what is the dimensional formula of n?
6.What is the number of significant number in 200.0?
7. Given force of [F]is given by F= pt -1  +Qt;Wher 't' is time The unit of p is same as that of  ..........
8." Kw is unit of energy "  check whether this statement is true or False.
9.Given the 'c' is the speed of light. A laser signal send towards the moon return after  't' seconds. The distance of the moon from the observer is ...............
10. Hz= ...........s -1
11. Gravitational potential energy of an object depends on the mass of the object, its height from the surface of earth and acceleration due to gravity . Using the method  of dimensions derive an expression for the potential energy
12. Large distance such as distance to planet or star from  Earth  cannot be measured directly.

i) Name a method used for measuring such distance.
ii) Picture shows the angle subtended by a distant planet 's at two different positions A and B on earth. Write the formula for calculating D
13. The volume v of the liquid crossing a tube is related to the area of  cross  section A, velocity  V and time T
a.Rewrite the equation replacing the quantities with thair dimensional formula
b.if y= 1,find the value of alpha and beta
15.A rectangle has a length of 8.43 cm and breadth 1.212cm
a. Calculate the area of the rectangle rounded to appropriate significant figures.
b. Calculate the perimeter of  the  rectangle rounded to appropriate