Thursday 13 February 2020


Chapter 5

1. Observe the relationship and filling the blanks

Plumule : cleoptile
Radicle : ..................

Ans:-  coleorhiza

2. Name the membrane present around the vaculoe
Ans:- Tonoplast

3. The innere membrane  of  mitochondria thrown  into folds to form finger like structure is called
Ans:- cristae

4. Chlorophyll located inside the
Ans:- Thylakoids

5. The cell organelle which is rich in manganese
Ans:- mitochondria

6.In plant cell. digestion of  fats occurs with the help of
Ans:- glyoxysomes

7. Nucleus was discovered by
Ans:- Robert Brown

8. Wrong statements about cell membrane
a. They are selectively permeable
b.They are composed of lipids and proteins
c. They undergo dynamic changes
d. They are inelastic and non flexible
Ans:- d

9. The membrane around the vaculoe is called
Ans:- Tonoplast

10. Plant cell wall mainly consists of
Ans:- cellulose

11. DNA Could be found in
Ans:- mitochondria

12. Microfilaments are composed mainly of a protein called
Ans:- actin

13. Smooth endoplasmic reticulam is the site of
Ans :- Lipid synthesis

14. The main potion of cetromose is
Ans:- formation of spindle fibres

15. The cell theory was proposed by
Ans:- Schleiden and Schwann

16. The chromatin contains some basic proteins called

Ans:- Histones

17. Study the relationship and fill in the blanks

Nucleus  : Robert Brown
Cell theory  :  schleiden and Schwann

18. Cytoscelton is made up of
Ans:- proteinacous Filaments

19. Observe relationship and fill in the blank
Chlorophyll  - photosynthesis
Ribosomes- ........

Ans :- protein synthesis