Tuesday 11 February 2020


Chapter 4
             CHEMICAL  BONDING AND MOLE                                     STRUCTURE

1. Flourin  orbital is formed by
Ans:- The axial p-p orbital overlap

2. Acetylene molecule has carbon  in hybridisation
Ans:-  sp hybridisation

3. Which of the following has the smallest bond angle


4. Oxygen molecules contains
a. One unpaired electron
b. Two unpaired electron
c. Three unpaired electron
d. No unpaired electron
Ans :- two unpaired electron

5. The comparatively  high boiling point of hydrogen fluoride is due to

Ans :- formation of hydrogen bond and consequent association

6.  Which one of the following arrangements of molicules is correct on the basis of their dipole moment ?

a. BF3>BN3>NH3
b. BN3 >NH3  >BF3
c. NH3 >NF3 >BF3

Ans:- NH3 >NF3 >BF3

7. The molicular geometry of BF is ......BF

ANS:- Triogonal planar

8. The molicule containing  non zero dipole moment is
a. H2O
b. NH3
c. CH4

Ans:- H20

9. " The most electronegative element
in the periodic table is chlorine " this statement is true or False

False , The most electronegative  element in the periodic table is Fluorine

10. Observe the relationship between  the
first two terms and fill in the blank

Tetrahydral : Sp3
Triogonal  : ........

Ans:- Sp3

11. HF ,H2O,o- nitrophenol ,NH3 , ROH, salicylic acid . Classify the above molicules according to the type of hydrogen bond in them
Ans:- intermolicular hydrogen bond :- HF, H2O, NH3, R OH ,
Intramolicular hydrogen bond:- salicylic acid , O -nitro Phenol

12. compare the dipole moment of  compound  in each  of the following sets
a. BF3 and BCl3
b. SO2 and CO2
Ans :'
a. Both BF3 and BCl3 has zero dipole moment due to planar structure
b. SO2 grater dipole moment than CO2

13. Draw the Lewis structure for the following molicules and ions

H2S , BeF2 , HCOOH

14 . Out of O2 and  N2 molicules which is expected to have grater bond energy ? Explain why it is so

Ans:- N2 has grater bond energy than O2 . In  N2 there's triple bond [N=N] ,Where as in O ,(O=O)  as number of bonds increases  bond length decreases and bond enthalpy increases

15. Define electron gain enthalpy

Ans:- it is defined as energy released when one mole of neural gaseous atom gain one electron