Thursday 27 February 2020


Chapter 7

1.  Diagramatic representation of standard ECG is given below
a. What does the QRS complex donate
b. Mention the clinical signification


a. Depolarisation of  the ventricles or ventricular contraction
b. Any deviation from the normal shape indicates a possible abnormality or disease ,heart disease defective heart functioning and chance of heart attack

2.Select  the currect statement regarding ECG of the man
a.  p wave  represent auricular repolariszation
b. P wave represent ventricular epolarisation
C. P wave represent ventricular depolarizaion
d. P wave represent auricular depolarization

Ans:- p wave represent auricular  depolarization

3. Observe the diagram and labelled the A,B,Cand D
A- Aorta
B- venacava
C- pulmonary vein
D- chordea tendinae

4. Observe the diagram and label the marked parts A,B and C

A- Aorta
B- semilunar valve
C- left ventricle

5. Find odd one and  write  its functions

Neutrophils, Erithocyte, monocyte,  lymphocytes
Ans:- Erythrocyte
Help in gas transport through blood

6. A person with A -ve blood group  is injured  severely in an accident .His relative with an A +ve  and B -ve blood groups were ready to  blood for him . Infer the consequences if he receives blood from their

Ans:- Agglutination of blood takes place

7.  Label P Q R S and T

8.what does T wave represent

Ans:- Repolarization of ventricle

9. If a person blood group  A is given blood transfusion of blood group by mistake
What will be its effect

Ans:- Agglutation of RBC  takes place in recipient due to  Antigon antibody reaction

10. Mention the two sound of heart

Ans:- Lub Lub

11. Give the causes of heart sound

Lub sound is  heard when the  closure of  bicuspid  and tricuspid  valve takes place

12. Which constituent of his blood is abnormal
Ans:- Eosinophyl

13. What is the normal function of  that constituent

Ans:- immunity

1 comment:

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