Monday 3 February 2020


Chapter 3
          MORPHOLOGY OF FLOWERING                                          PLANTS

1. Fill the blank by observing the relationship with the first pairs
a. Racemose : Acrpetal succession
b. Lymose :
Ans:-  Basipetal succession

2. Which part of the embryo develops in to a root
Ans:- Radicle

3. Is the root system develops from any part of the plant body other than the radicle
Ans :- Adventitiuos root system

4.what type of stem modification are found in citrus
Ans:- Thorns

5.Develepment of fruit without fertilization
a. Parthenocrapy
b. Sporogamy
c. Autogamy
d. Pseuodogamy
Ans:- parthenocrapy

6. Flower without the non- essential whorl is  called non- essential  whorl person flower moon
Ans:- Monochlaydeous

7. Phyllotoxy refers to the arrangement of
Ans:- Leaves on branch

8. One of the following is a indehiscent fruit
a. Caryopsis
b. Pod
Ans:- Caryopsis

9. The cotyledon of rice is named
Ans:- seutellum

10.Name the outer covering of seed
Ans:- Testa the relation and fill in the blank
     Carrot Acaicia Leaf modification
Ans:- Root modification

12. Arrangement of ovules in every is called
Ans:- placentation

13. Find the odd one
Overy,Filament, style, stigma
Ans:-  Filament

14. Select wrong statements
a. persistent  calyx is seen in solanacea
b. Flowers are hypogynous in asteranceae
c.Santonin is obtained from Artemisca
d. In poaceac, Perianth is represent by membrneous scales called iodicules
Ans:- Flowers are hypogynous in asteranceae

15. Observe the given relation and fill in blank
Cucumber- Tendril
Citrus       - .............
Ans:- Thorn

16. Bentham a Hooker's classification is mainly based on ..........
Ans:- vegetative characters and floral characters

17. The leaves without petiole are called ......
c. rachis
d. lamina
Ans:- sessile

18. One of the following is a indehiscent fruit
a. Caryopsis
b pod
d. Lomentum
Ans:- Caryopsis

19. A flower without the  non- essential whorl is called.........
a. dioecious
d. achalamydeous
Ans:- achalamydeous

20. 'A single plant can have two different types of leaves '
If this statement is true, explain with example
Ans:- yes The presence of more than one type of leaves on same plant is called heteophyll. Eg Limnophylla, heterophylla.