Friday 6 March 2020



1. Study  the relation and fill in the blank

Zinc -  carboxylas
.........-  Nitrogenus

Ans:-  molybdenum

2. Plant with zinc deficiency show reduced bio synthesis of

Ans:- auxin

3. .......... is the essential element present in the amino acid metheonin and cysteine

Ans:-  sulphur

4. The most abundant element found in plant is

Ans:-  carbon

5. Premature leaf fall is due to deficiency

Ans:- phosphorus

6. Which one of the following is an amide involved in nitrogen assimilation by plants

Ans:- Glycine

7. Write a name of nitrogen fixing  gene in bacteria

Ans:- Nod ,nif and are the nitrogen fixing gene in bacteria

8. Study the relation and fill in the blank

Mangnesum : chlorosis
.............            : necrosis

Ans:- calcium

9. The root system of pea plant is provided with a number of knob like structures .what is the use of these structures ?

Ans:- Nitrogen fixation

10. Which one of the following is an amide   involved  in nitrogen assimilation by plants?

Ans:- Glycin

11. Which of the following elements is very essential for uptake and utilisation of ca 2+
And membrane function?

Ans:- Boron

12. Premature leaf fall is due to deficiency of

Ans:- phosphorus

13. Rhizobium bacteria and root nodules of pea plant is an example for

Ans:- symbiosis

14. Study the relationship and fill in the blank
Ion exchange: passive absorption

..................  : active absorption

Ans:- carrier concept

15. A plant cell when kept in a certain solution got plasmolysed .what was the nature of the solution

Ans:-  Hypertonic solution

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