Friday 6 March 2020


Chapter 8

1.  Which of the following molicules  can get act an oxidizing as well as  reusing agent
d. SO2

Ans:- H2O2

2. The element that does not exhibit  positive oxidation state is

Ans:- F

3. In the chemical reaction

AgO + H2O + 2 e- + 2 Ag + 2 OH-

a. Electron are reduced
b. Silver is oxidized
C. Solver is reduced
d. Hydrogen is reduced

Ans:- solver is reduced

4. Methanol is a good cundector of electric current , state whether this statement true or False

Ans:- False

Methanol will not conduct electric current , because it does not ionise

5.  The reaction  2H2O  gives  4H- + O2 + 2e -

Ans:-  redox reaction

6.  The number of electron involved in   the reduction  of  one nitrate ion into hydrazine

Ans:- 7

7. In the reaction the reduction product is 
2KMnO4 + 16 HCl gives 5 Cl2 + 2MnCl2 + 2 KCl + 8H2O

Ans:- MnCl2

8. Observe the relationship between first two terms and filling in the blank

a. H20:  An amphoteric species
b.BF3 :
Ans:- lewis acid

9. Choose the correct pair
a. IM NaOH : 6.98
b. Blood  : zero
c. IM HCl :  pH = 7.4

Ans:-  IM NaOH : 6.98

10.  The solution containing mixture of oxalic acid and  sodium oxalate  can act as buffer solution . State whether this statement true or False

Ans:-  True

11.  Calculate the oxidation number of
S in H2S and O in H2O2

Ans:-  S in H2S has 2 oxidation number and O in H2O2 has 1 oxidation number

12. Why is potassium is high reactive metal where is gold is Nobel metal

Ans:- K has low ionisation enthalpy and has low reduction potential.  Therefore there is highly reactive metal where is Au has high reduction potential .therefore it is a noble metals

13.What is the oxidation number of S in Na2 S4O6 and Na2SO3

Ans:- zero

14.  Write formula following compound

a.   mercury( ii)chloride
b.  Ion( ii)sulphate
c.  Chromium( iii)oxide

a. HgCl2
b. Fe3 (SO4)3
c. Cr2O3