Wednesday 4 March 2020


Chapter 8
         EXCREATORY PRODUCTS AND THEIR                          ELIMINATION

1.  Expand GFR

Ans:-  Glomerular filtration rate

2. Even though GFR in a healthy person is 180 L  per day . The amount of urine released per day is only about 1.5 L. Give reason

Ans:- Due to tubular  re absorption  Nearly  99%  of the filtrate  is  re absorbed by  thernal tubules

3. "The functioning of human kidney is efficiently monitored and regulated by hormonal action of hypothalamus pituitory
JGA and to certain extent by heart "

a. Do you agree with this statement

b. Justify your answer with sutable reason

a. Yes
b. ADH facilitates water re absorption from tubules  there by preventing diureti. ADH can also affect the kidney function by its constrictory effect on vessels .This cause an increasing blood pressure

4.  Observe the figure given below answer the questions

a. Write the name of the figure
b. Name the labelled part A and B,
c. Which is the site of formation of ultra filtrate

a. Renal capsules
b.  A-Glomerulus
     B- Bowman's capsules
C. Glomerulus

5. The output of  unine increases in cold days while decreases in hot and sunny days .
Can you give a reason
For this phenomenon as realized from the graph given below

Ans:- when temperature increases ADH level increases . Hormone increase re absoption of water from urine as a result only small quantity of urine is produced

6. A biology class related to excretion in the human body a student gave an opinion  that in every minute about 2 % of the total blood volume of body is converted to GFR where is only 1%  of this GFR is eliminated as urine .Evaluate this opinion and substantiate your answer

Ans:- it is due to re absorption of water from urine formed. This process takes place in the nephrone,

7. Although GFR is 125 ml/ mnt .only 1 to 1.5 liter  urine is exerted per day  give reason

Ans:- The volume of  fluid formed from the glomerulus capillaries into Bowman 's capsules is called man the GFR IS 125 ml/ minute

8. Complete the each of the following sentence using appropriate words

a. Ascending limp of Henel's loop is water .where is the decrease in limp is ............ to water

b. An excessive loss of fluid from the body stimulates the hypothalamus to release .......... hormone  from the

Ans:- a. Impermeable, permeable
          b. ADH, pituitary

9. Observe the figure and label the A and B

A- proximal convoluted tubule
B-  collecting duct

10. Prepare the flowchart of filtrate flow  in the nephrone

Ans:- Bowman's capsule-PCT- Descending limp of Henel's loop- Ascending lint if Henel's loop - DCT collecting duct

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