Chapter 1
Set:- A well defined collection of distinct objects
Representation:- i)Roster( Tubular)
ii) set-builder form
Types of sets:-
1. Empty or null set:-set containing no elements ,{ }
2.singleton set:- set containing a single element
3.Finite set:- set containing no element or a a definite number of elements
4.infinite set:-set containing infinite number of elements
5.Equivalent sets:-sets containing same number of elements
6.Equal set:-sets containing exactly the same elements
7.subset:-A c B If every element of set A os also an element of set B
8.superset:- B is a super set of A if A c B
9.Proper subset :- A c B and A not equal to B
10.Improper subsets :- null set and the given set itself
11.Power set:- the collection of all subjects of set A, denoted as P (A)
12.Univerasal set:- the superset of all subsets
Under discussion
Set:- A well defined collection of distinct objects
Representation:- i)Roster( Tubular)
ii) set-builder form
Types of sets:-
1. Empty or null set:-set containing no elements ,{ }
2.singleton set:- set containing a single element
3.Finite set:- set containing no element or a a definite number of elements
4.infinite set:-set containing infinite number of elements
5.Equivalent sets:-sets containing same number of elements
6.Equal set:-sets containing exactly the same elements
7.subset:-A c B If every element of set A os also an element of set B
8.superset:- B is a super set of A if A c B
9.Proper subset :- A c B and A not equal to B
10.Improper subsets :- null set and the given set itself
11.Power set:- the collection of all subjects of set A, denoted as P (A)
12.Univerasal set:- the superset of all subsets
Under discussion