Thursday 23 January 2020


Chapter 1
         Biological classification

1.A true statement about this
   (a) viruses are bigger than bacteria
   (b) viruses are intracellular obligate                      parasite
   (c) viruses contain both DNA and RNA
   (d) viruses can reproduce in non living                 medium
Ans:- viruses are intracellular obligate                      parasite
2.The cell wall  of bacteria is made up
Ans:- peptidoglycon
3.The plasma membrane of mycloplasma is     rich in
4.which one of the following is not                       characters of gram positive  bacteria
  (a)Cell wall is smooth
  (b)meso some are distinctively prominent
  (c)Basal body of flagellum contain two             rings
  (d)Outer membrane is present
Ans:-outer membrane is present
5.which class of vertebrates include                   vigorous forms
6. ............. is a pollution indicator
Ans:-     Lichen
7.By observing relationships of the first full     blank in the second one.
   Basidiomycetes- ............
8.Which one is mismatched
   (a) flagella-Euglena
   (b)pseudopodia- Amoeba
   (d)Flegella- plasmodium
9.protozoan protest with silica shells on             body  surface .
Ans:-marine ameobioid protest.
10.Name the dianoflagellate that causes             raditide of the sea Redticle
Ans:- Gonyaulax
11.Name the photoreceptive organ of                   chalmydomonas
12.Which of the following is viral disease
     disease ?
    (a) Tetanus
    (b) Measles
    (c) syphilis
    (d) tuberculosis
Ans:- Measles
13. Pick up the odd one and state reasons
      for your selection.  Oscillatoria,                        spirulina, Actinomycete, Nostoc
Ans:- Actinomycete . The others are                            cyanobacteria
14.Select the features which are suitable for        the following groups of organisms
     (a) The cell wall include cellulose, silica              or calcium carbonate
     (b)Bioluminscent, flegellate causes
          Red tide
     (C) Unicellular,pellicle is present in the                absence of light behaves as a                              hetrotrophs 
     (d) saprophytic, spores possess the cell                wall
     (e) parasitic mode of life
      ( slim mouds , protozoans,Dinofagellates          chrysophytes ,Euglenoids
Ans:- a) chrysophytes
          d)Slime mouds
15. Give suitable example of the following
      (a) A free- living  nitrogen fixing bacteria
      (b) A non - toxic fast growing                                   cyanobacteria used to obtain single
           cell protein
      (c) A cyanobacteria used in the rec
           Lumination of  Usar land
      (d) A micro organisms causes little leaf                 disease of brjnjal
Ans:- (a) Azotobacter
          (c) Aulosira fertilissima
16.Name the organism that was earlier               placed in plant as well as animal                       kingdoms  justify?
Ans:-Euglena. It has locomotory organelles,            flexible pellcies ,contractile ,vacuous                and binary fission like animals and                  chloroplasts and pyrenoids like plants .
 17.The wate in the spring of west Virginia          university of America has a temperature        up to 60 °c and pH of  1-2 ,Do you know          if any living organism could exist their            water ? Give your justification
Ans:- Yes Thermoacidiphiles. They are                   temperature loving  archabacteria .                 They can live at a temperature                           around    60°C
Eg :- Thermoplasma
18.Diatoms flot one the surface of water               even they do not possess flagella
Ans:Diatoms show gliding type of
        movement with the help of mucliage              secretion
19.what are the common characteristics of
Ans:-  I) fungi are sprophytjc
           ii) They lack chlorophyll
           iii) Fungi derive energy form                               decomposition  process
           iv) Enzyme used for decomposition     
20.what is the chemical composition of a             fungal cell wall?
Ans:-The fungal cell wall consists of either
          Cellulose  or chitin or both

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